905-889-5300 mateen@pourgollaw.ca

Laser Hair Removal Injury

Laser Hair Removal Injury Have you suffered injuries as a result of a laser hair removal procedure? Pourgol Law can help you understand your rights. Call us for a free consultation. Contact...

Employment Law

Employment Law Are you being targeted under employment law? Choose Pourgol Law Injury & Litigation to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out and get a free consultation on your next steps. Our team can provide qualified and experienced attorneys to help recover from...

Dog Bite Injury

Dog Bite Injury Did you suffer injuries as a result of a dog bite injury? Do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation on your rights and next steps. Our team can advise you on relevant personal injury settlements in Ontario. Contact...

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Are you suffering from chronic pain? Are you suffering from chronic pain? Call us for your free consultation to learn about your rights. Our team of qualified and experienced attorneys can help you in your...